Ecological Smart Houses of the 21st century
Fully lined with solar panels⚡️

“Ecotun” launches a new project - multi-apartment buildings of the latest generation with solar energy. This multi-apartment complex is built with all the requirements of seismic resistance. Due to the professional work of skillful specialists the building is distinguished by interesting architectural and design solutions. Compared to traditional construction, in addition to unprecedented architectural and design solutions, economic benefits are calculated for an eco-building. Energy-efficient, non-flammable, environmentally friendly, heat-insulating coatings also minimize heat loss. Eco-buildings have a supply of electricity and water, which increases their autonomy. The houses are equipped with safety and fire protection systems designed with seismic, architectural and safety standards. The starting construction of the eco-buildings will be from the Arabkir region (Griboedov St.). The project is currently in the process of obtaining a building permit and other related documents.

The potential of energy-efficient eco-houses is massive. The construction of many buildings and houses forms a long-term investment in the concept of energy-efficient construction. And thus: with the progressive increase in the number of eco-houses, the world raises one more step in civilization.